
Mid February Reset

Since I’ve had a headache for almost a week, trying to rest my mind and my body. Some things I try to do when I’m having a bodily reset:

  • Spend less time playing games on my phone or tablet
  • Not force myself to read when my eyes feel tired
  • spend more time laying in bed in the morning (typically I’m an early riser)
  • Say no to hanging out with friends and people so I can spend more time at home
  • Take showers by candlelight or without harsh bathroom lighting on
  • Take a bath
  • Eating cleaner (less oil, less heavy meat, less cream)
  • Drinking more water, gatorade, and coconut ater
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Take more frequent walks outside while the sun is out
  • Reestablish a morning routine/have a simpler morning routine
  • Reestablish an evening routing/get to bed by 10 PM

Hope everyone is putting their body first and resetting when they need/can.
