
Querying Interview: @TheEvaline on querying and writing

Welcome, this is the start of a weekly interview series with other querying writers for querying writers. For first time querying authors, querying is the process of trying to find an agent for your manuscript. The right agent will be able to help you prepare your manuscript for submission to publishing houses, broker book deals, and hopefully establish and grow your author career. If you’re someone who is thinking of querying your novel, have been…

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How to be a querying writer while you’re sick

Everyone gets sick, even aspiring and professional writers. Today is one of those days where I had to take a Benadryl every 6 hours and it wasn’t pretty. However, even on days where I can barely get out of bed, there are a few things I do to make sure I don’t lose momentum on any current projects I have. For example, I’m in the middle of querying one novel and writing the first draft…

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Weekly Reset: Self-care Sunday for a great week

The week can be draining, and sometimes I need a hard reset even if I don’t have any vacation days. That’s what my Sundays are for, here’s a quick run through of what I did today to try and quell some of the noise in my head and boost my energy for the week. Morning I woke up with very little energy. Normally I’m a morning person and good at waking up. However recently I…

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QUERYING: What to do when you get a query rejection

It happens to almost everyone while querying, a rejection. It can be a rejection to a query letter, to the first 5 or 10 pages of your manuscript, to a partial, or even to a full. Whatever it’s to, it will hurt. It hurts because you care, and that’s okay. The agent isn’t evil for rejecting the work you put your blood, sweat, and tears into, but you’re also not immature for being hurt from…

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Project L&P Query Batch 1

Querying is the process of sending manuscripts and writing samples to literary agents in the hopes that they will take you on as a client and help you sell your work (and future works) to a publishing house to get your book published. I am currently on a query journey for Project L&P and currently have these materials made: Query Batch 1 numbers Stay tuned for more querying updates! Love, EJP

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