
Weekly Reset: Self-care Sunday for a great week

The week can be draining, and sometimes I need a hard reset even if I don’t have any vacation days. That’s what my Sundays are for, here’s a quick run through of what I did today to try and quell some of the noise in my head and boost my energy for the week.


I woke up with very little energy. Normally I’m a morning person and good at waking up. However recently I haven’t been keeping to my night routine as well and it really shows in other parts of my life. Acne, irregular eating schedules, and grogginess in the morning just to name a few. So when I woke up this morning, I did a cold face wash and stayed off my phone for awhile to ease into my morning.

I had a glass of water, read, and free wrote for about thirty minutes to start my day. I also stuck to less surgery treats and drinks in the morning to try and keep my energy levels stable.

When I felt myself starting to get a bit bored, I switched to doing some chores and digital errands (booking flights for an upcoming trip).


There were a couple out of house errands that got done, and I was glad to be back home after. Somedays, it’s a bit of a struggle to be out in public. It’s nothing against the outside world, it’s merely my lack of energy.

I did a short ride on my spin bike, since I didn’t do much physical activity today, then sat down on the couch and finished reading The Writing Retreat by Julia Batz until dinner. It was a fun dark thriller after going through a bit of a reading slump with a couple DNFs. My cats were especially cuddly while I read .


I queried a few agents but then started to feel a bit down. It was part due to lack of responses from the agents I have queried and from the doubt that what I’m querying is going to get me an agent in a very full YA market. But both of those things are out of my control so I know I have to learn to let that disappointment go.

Some other things I do to unwind is watching calming Youtubers and drinking lemon tea. Sissel and Cari Cakes are some of my favorite Seoul-based creators. I’d like to go to Seoul in the near future and they both share hobbies that I like to pursue outside of writing.

Today was honestly pretty close to my ideal normal Sunday. Not too many things to do and time with my cats. Hope you get to have the reset days you need too.
